Teenage Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Treating Teenage Acne
Considered by many as a skin disease, acne actually encompasses a wide range of malformations that usually take place on the facial skin, although the disease can also be seen occurring on the neck, the upper back, the shoulders, and sometimes, on the chest. Acne also happen to come in various types, each one having its own name and description: the most common of which is whiteheads, which typically stay below the skin surface; blackheads, which tend to rise above the skin surface and characterized by a dark color; papules, which are small, tender, and pink bumps; pustules, which are pus-topped pimples with red-colored bases; nodules, which are large and painful pimples that tend to grow deep into the skin; and cysts, which are deep and painful pimples often filled with pus and can often cause facial scars.
Acne affects people from virtually every social class and has no exact cause, although medical practitioners tend to agree that hormone production within the body might have some connection with it. Specifically, the oil or sebaceous glands of some people tend to produce oil in excessive amounts during certain periods. The oil principally functions as a skin lubricant, but an overproduction of this causes the oil to get trapped in the oil ducts, eventually resulting to the so-called pimples or acne.

Another explanation for the occurrence of acne is the production of thin hairs inside the skin follicle. A follicle is a type of canal that links the skin pores or skin holes to the oil or sebaceous glands. These glands produce the needed skin oil, more popularly known as a sebum, and this gets transported towards the skin surface. Along with the transported oil are dead follicle hairs that also attempt to make it towards the skin surface but these get trapped somewhere in the middle of the transportation process. It's from these clogged hairs that acne eventually grows.
Whatever the actual cause is, acne is considered to be the most common of all skin diseases, with approximately 17 million Americans suffering from it. Typically, it tends to mostly afflict teenagers and even young adults, with the average age ranging from twelve to 24. The possible explanation as to why this particular age group is most susceptible to acne attacks can be attributed to the fact that during the age of puberty up to the late adolescent years, a significant amount of the hormone androgen is produced This unfortunately causes the sebaceous or oil glands into increasing their production of sebum, often causing an excess. Following the theory of trapped oil in the follicle, it does not come as a surprise then that teenagers commonly suffer from frequent acne attacks.
Teenage acne can cause many adolescents to become depressed mainly because they are at the period in life when physical beauty is starting to become an important aspect, particularly with regards to the opposite sex, and blemishes in any area of their body is often considered a major imperfection on their part. A wide range of emotions can get to interplay in the process, which can possibly result in more cases of acne breakouts. Eventually, this can lead to more severe acne cases which can be devastating for the self-image that an adolescent is trying to create for himself.
Initially, self-affirmations should prove to be sufficient to enable acne-bearing teenagers to overcome the ridicule and embarrassment that their blemishes inevitably bring to them. The love and support of parents and close friends will be particularly crucial during this time to help teenagers accept their situation and to realize that life is more than just having a beautiful face and a sexy body.
Ideally, though, it is always best to treat the problem upfront, and this should involve some very basic solutions to either prevent acne attacks or prevent future ones from occurring if one is already having acne problems. For starters, one should make it a point to regularly cleanse the face with clean and warm water so dirt and dust will not get accumulated in the facial skin. Getting enough sleep, especially at night, is likewise important since sleep helps rejuvenate the skin. Regular exercise should also be considered as this increases blood circulation, ultimately providing the needed oxygen to various organs of the body, including the skin.
An additional and significant step that acne sufferers can take is to seek the help of skin experts or dermatologists. These professionals can accurately assess the situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
In mild cases of teenage acne attacks, however, non-prescription treatments may be sufficient, and these may include either a short and quick solution characterized by the use of an acne cream or lotion over a limited time period, or a more complex process that covers a longer healing time. HealthyPores.com properly belongs under this particular category because it involves a comprehensive system of treating acne that effectively addresses every significant aspect in human life that can contribute to the formation of acne. Aside from keeping the pores healthy, the Healthypores system also concentrates on killing the bacterias that are known to cause acne. In addition, it also seeks to control the hormones responsible for the unnecessary production of acne by keeping them within manageable levels.
A more comprehensive approach to treating acne such as that being offered by HealthyPores.com is definitely a more preferred option since it ideally covers all the important aspects of the problem. In essence, while the approach may initially appear to treat only a present concern, its comprehensive nature actually deals with future acne problems that may eventually crop up.
Labels: acne, acne problems, acne treatment, Acne Treatment Products, acne vulgaris, Healthypores.com, skin acne products, Teenage Acne Treatment, zits
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