Acne - acne vulgaris
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Different Types of Acne
A large sum of the human population is not endowed with perfect, radiant skin and unfortunately, many are not only unblessed with beautiful skin; they are even afflicted with acne. According to, a whopping 95% of the population are candidates for developing this stubborn skin problem. With this scenario, there is this sudden upsurge of acne treatments in the market such as Healthy Pores, which is made up of ancient herbal ingredients. But before purchasing and using an acne remedy, one has to identify the type of acne they have.
The ordinary, long-standing notion people have today is that having large, pus-filled pimples is most commonly referred to acne. This idea is partly correct but acne is not always limited to pimples. Sadly, there are a number of acne types today that ordinary people are not aware of. Being ignorant of the types, they commonly don't know that the bumps forming on their necks, faces, or backs are actually a manifestation of developing acne.
Though all acne types start in a similar way, that is having excessive oil substance or sebum, inviting bacteria, clogging skin pores, and forming obvious bumps, these types differ in their severity and form. For better classification, acne types are divided into three--acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, and the severe type.

The most ordinary type of acne, acne vulgaris, is divided into moderate and severe categories. Under the first classification are the whiteheads, which are formed due to the combination of excessive oil, cellular fragments, and bacteria. Because whiteheads are not so much exposed and completely trapped in the follicle, they cannot oxygenate, so they turn into a brownish color. At once, they will turn into a light hue, sometimes yellowish lump which is scientifically called milium. Whiteheads often happen due to a frequent cellular exfoliation that can clog the pores.
Like whiteheads, blackheads are a mixture of oil, dead cells, and bacteria, only they are partially clogged in the pores. As such, blackheads are more exposed to oxygen that enables them to turn dark. It also takes longer time to totally eliminate the blackheads as they are more stubborn as compared to whiteheads.
Meanwhile, papules are characterized by small, pinkish or reddish bumps that are most commonly inflamed. These bumps give a feeling of roughness on the entire skin and may leave scars when pricked. Another acne vulgaris's types are pustules, which are large, irritated, pus-filled bumps. People with pustules are advised not to prick them; otherwise, they will leave permanent marks. Dermatologists, by the way, are the only ones who can work on pustules using sterilized devices.
Acne vulgaris types, which cover severe include cysts and nodules, are a little painful and relatively larger than the earlier mentioned. Cysts are pus-filled lumps with a size of 5mm, which if squeezed could lead to severe irritation and scars. Meanwhile, as stated in, nodules are huge lumps found beneath the surface of the skin, which if attended to by a non-medical practitioner may aggravate the lesions and cause severe scarring.
Now, acne rosacea is more like vulgaris; however, this only occupies the face's third middle part especially the nose, cheeks, and forehead. Generally, a large percentage of the million people with rosacea are women in their 30s and above but ironically, it is the men who mostly have the severe cases. Those who have it develop rashes and swollen skin and during some instances, blood vessels may become more visible. But since rosacea is normally mistaken for vulgaris, it will not hurt to immediately consult a dermatologist before the condition climb up to the more severe rhinophyma.
All the mentioned acne types, of course, leave the afflicted individuals with physical and psychological repercussions that most often bring embarrassing moments. But what is considered more harsh are the severe types, which include acne fulminans, acne conglobata, pyoderma faciale, and gram-negative folliculitis.
An individual with acne fulminans has an extreme case of nodulocystic and tendencies of severe scarring. It is the young men who are most likely to get afflicted by acne fulminans along with joint fever and ache.
On the other hand, acne conglobata occurs more frequently to men and usually starts appearing anytime between the ages of 18 to 30. Those who are afflicted have several connected, huge lesions with blackheads forming on the chest, face, upper arms, thighs, back, and buttocks. Acne conglobata leaves serious, even permanent damages such as large, deep scars. This can be treated, though at several instances medications might be repelled. But continuous treatment can control acne conglobata's progression.
Meanwhile, pyoderma faciale leaves the afflicted with severe types of lesions, pustules, and nodules that are concentrated on his face and can leave great scars. Trivially, this condition only occurs to women averagely aging between 20 and 40 and is also possible to the ladies who have not had any kind of acne before. Pyoderma faciale starts abruptly but ends in less than a year.
Finally, gram-negative folliculitis is typified as a bacterial complication of cysts and pustules due to an extensive treatment of vulgaris. It's not yet known which gender is more prone to having this condition but medical experts agree that this is a unique case of acne.
Having acne definitely limits one's self-esteem. So, during the early signs of acne, it is advised to treat the condition right away because acne left untreated leaves a lifetime of damage. Solutions like Healthy Pores are good options since these kinds of treatment already help prevent the sources of the problem and cleanse the skin, thus avoiding the experience of one or more of the previously mentioned forms of acne.
Labels: acne, Acne in Adults, acne rosacea, Acne Treatment Products, acne treatments, acne vulgaris, skin acne products, zits
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